Using Cisco IP Communicator v8.6.1 with a Plantronics headset disconnects current call when receiving another incoming call
Using CIPC 8.6.1 as the primary phone. you are on an active call with "Caller A" and then "Caller B" calls your extension on their CIPC, "Caller A" automatically gets disconnected You can then can choose to answer the incoming call from "Caller B".
It appears that the recent Plantronics Control Panel software upgrade (2.8.37365.1) is the cause of the problem. Plantronics released a new version of their software sometime after 10/1/13 that's causing an issue with the Cisco IP Communicator.
Symptoms: While using the CIPC and on an active call, the next incoming call is disconnects the active call. Some immediate disconnect problems when trying to place outbound calls.
1. If using a wired headset - Uninstall the Plantronics Control Panel software.
2. If using a bluethooth headset - Upgrade the CIPC version from 8.6.1 to 8.6.3.
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